We are committed to high standards of corporate governance and manage the business honestly, transparently and in accordance with the 2018 UK Corporate Governance Code, all applicable laws and in line with best practice.

Good governance not only ensures we behave with integrity and treat our customers, employees, suppliers and local communities properly, while respecting the environment, it also helps us ensure our shareholders receive a good return on their investment.

Our Board

The Board comprises eight Non-Executive Directors, including the Non-Executive Chair, and two Executive Directors.

All Directors are subject to election or re-election at the Annual General Meeting.

The Non-Executive Directors provide independent challenge and review, and bring diverse experience as well as fresh, objective perspectives to the workings of the Board. 


Board of Directors
A compiled image of all nine Spirax Group Board members stood together

Board Responsibilities

Our Board oversees our long-term corporate and strategic business plans, and ensures we have strong, effective leadership in place to execute those plans. 

The Board has a collective responsibility for providing leadership, preserving long-term value by anticipating business risks, monitoring performance and promoting the Company’s culture and Values.

The Board relies on the Group Executive Committee to run the business, holding them accountable against targets and standards, while always embracing the values of collaboration, integrity and respect to achieve our goals.

Board responsibilities

A close up of someone piling up a page of paper reports. Each report is held together by a bulldog clip

Board Committees

The Board has delegated specific responsibilities to five Board Committees: Audit, Colleague Engagement, Nomination, Remuneration and Risk Management.

The Board and its Committees ensure that robust governance procedures are in place so that shareholders can be confident that the Group is well positioned for long-term sustainable growth.

Discover our Board Committees
A woman is standing at a digital board, pointing at a data graph

Governance Report

Our Governance Report sets out our approach to governance, explains how the Board and its Committees are structured and their focus during the year.

It also explains how the Group has applied the principles of the 2018 UK Corporate Governance.

Learn more
An office space with a table and blue chairs to the right and a tall-planter with green plants to the left. Behind the table and planter is an office-type room with the Spirax Group logo printed on the wall and two S icons covering the glass wall next to it

Meet our leaders

There is a clear division of responsibilities between the leadership of the Board and our Executive leadership.

Our Group Chief Executive’s roles and responsibilities include: management of the Group’s short-, medium- and long-term performance; stewardship of capital, technical and human resources; corporate and business strategy; internal risk management controls and organisational structure.

Group Executive Committee

Governance Documents

Risk Management